
Meet Ramsey

This our friend Ramsey, he is raising money for his mission trip to Niger, Africa. You can read about it here on his blog. One of his fundraising activites for the trips was a mustache. Yes, you read that right. If he raised over 500 dollars, he pledged to sport a mustache for a month. As you can see, it is not your typical mustache. James and I were happy to support such two wonderful causes. Here we are with Ramsey yesterday. Many Blessings on your trip Ramsey. We are praying that God is glorified in a mighty way!

1 comment:

Ramsey said...

Wait, does, "not your typical mustache," translate to, "Ramsey's not keeping up his end of the deal," or, "never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be purchasing such a rockin' mustache?"

I just want to make sure I'm not disappointing anyone.